Friday, April 20, 2007

Search for addresses in Belgium and Luxembourg

You can now search for postal addresses in Belgium and Luxembourg when posting thru Tagzania's interface (for registered users).

Belgium is a multilingual country, and address searches will work in various forms, like Guimardstraat 6-8, 1040 Brussel BE in Dutch or Rue Guimard 6-8, 1040 Bruxelles BE in French. Using both, you will land something near to the Australian Embassy and Mission to the EU, Belgium and Luxembourg. This other embassy in Luxembourg City, we found it searching for 22 Boulevard Emmanuel Servais, L-2535 Luxembourg LU.

Remember the tips for address searches, and just add the country codes BE, LU or NL after your Beneluxian addresses for nicer matches.

tagzania - Fri, 20 Apr 2007 06:32:23 -0400

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