Thursday, April 5, 2007

GeoRSS for routes in Tagzania

Following the introduction of routes in Tagzania last week, we've added a feature today: GeoRSS. For any given route like this one, the Marathon of Madrid to be held in a couple of weeks, below the map there's the option to download a KML file to visualize that on Google Earth, and a GeoRSS link as well

GeoRSS is quite an interesting beast. It's not only a feed with latitude and longitude, its specs cover a broad variety of geographic information. A line or area can be specified in GeoRSS, and being an open standard, we believe it's a format to support. For routes, it's a GML flavor of GeoRSS which we have chosen. GML is the Geography Markup Language, an XML grammar written in XML Schema for the modelling, transport, and storage of geographic information... Standards are good, we believe in them.

Google Maps and its API recently integrated GeoRSS into its framework. That was good news for Tagzania. Now that you haver GeoRSS feeds for routes, you can put that into work with the Google Maps API. Look, here's the result at Google Maps when you pass the GeoRSS file of that marathon race to them.

Today, there's more news regarding Google's new My Maps option. It's an interesting move towards a wider adoption of the concept of personal geography... More people will see that creating your own maps is an interesting use for the web, and we'll continue building Tagzania, so we can offer you an easy way to share and document your personal geography.

tagzania - Thu, 05 Apr 2007 13:47:09 -0400

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