Thursday, April 19, 2007

New bookmarklet and options regarding Multimap

Multimap is a nice mapping application that made a leap forward yesterday: they introduced an API and evolved towards a new kind of online map: drag and move maps, aerial and roadmap combinations in imagery (very original for the hybrid view)...

We've updated a couple of features in Tagzania to welcome that move. Now, below individual maps, on the open maps options, there's a link to the new improved Multimap. Check your locations, and open the Multimap links to see how the look in the new site. Aerial coverage seems good for USA cities, but not in Europe, for the moment...

On the other hand, we've upgraded the Tagzai! Multimap bookmarklet. It's now v3, version 3, as there were two previous bookmarklets that served that website. This bookmarklet might be useful for searching addresses in several European countries. When using the address search included in Tagzania (post option for registered users), that will work in the following countries: the US (United States), CA (Canada), ES (Spain), FR (France), DE (Germany), IT (Italy), NL (Netherlands), SE (Sweden), AU (Australia), NZ (New Zealand), JP (Japan). You need to find some address in another place? Well, use Multimap if it happens to be in the UK, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Portugal, Norway and Finland. Once found, save the location in Tagzania with the Tagzai! Multimap v3 bookmarklet.

Check the bookmarklet section to get that.

tagzania - Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:10:25 -0400

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