Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Photos around

There's a new option to open maps elsewhere now. Below Tagzania individual maps, you know, you have various mapping apps linked, where you can explore other views of the places saved in Tagzania.

Until now, for photos, there was a Flickr link showing picture geolocated around any location. Now look, besides the Flickr link, there's one to Panoramio. Opening those links from Tagzania, you can see a good bunch of photos of the surroundings of many places in the world.

A project by some Spanish web enthusiasts, Panoramio is much more directed towards location and geography than Flickr. As a matter of fact, it's a site to place photos on the map. It's very well integrated with Google Earth as well. Give it a try if your photos tend to be associated to location, and you want to host them in the web.

tagzania - Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:55:27 -0400

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