Friday, March 23, 2007

GeoRSS in Tagzania: new opportunities for developers

Some technical news of interest: Google has announced that its Google Maps API, the framework that powers the maps that you create at Tagzania, now supports GeoRSS.

GeoRSS is RSS with geographic information inserted, obviously. And it's the RSS format that is offered by Tagzania since we launched in 2005. Tagzania is one of the most exhaustive places to get varied GeoRSS feeds in Internet. You may subscribe to any Tagzania user or tag page, adding the RSS feed in your newsreader of choice. You probably won't notice any latitude-longitude data there... But it's there, and it can be put into use.

With Google's official support, uses of GeoRSS may increase. In the blogpost mentioning it, look, there's even a Tagzania example in the part of Google, to illustrate how it integrates into maps: The new 7 wonders map, which has a RSS source as all other maps in Tagzania, has been mashed-up with other info layers in that Google example there.

That's interesting. Developers can, very easily, with just some lines of code, integrate any Tagzania RSS feed in other map mashups. That's good for developers, and good for Tagzania. This is about sharing geographic content and information, and as Tagzania's information is open content, its Creative Commons ShareAlike license lets you reuse the information of this site elsewhere, for commercial purporses as well, as long as it doesn't become copyrighted material.

Developers can also create GeoRSS based map mashups colaboratively. For instance, a community map integrated into a local website. How do you get people in the community to encode a RSS entry with data formated as GeoRSS? Don't instruct them about XML standards or the semantic web... Just tell them: add your place in Tagzania, tag it with some keyword, that's all. The developer just needs to adjust the map to the given Tagzania RSS feed for that tag or kewyord, and it's done.

If you're a website developer, plan to create mashups on your own, contact with us and give us feedback, we'll be glad to hear about you.

tagzania - Fri, 23 Mar 2007 07:05:42 -0400

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