Thursday, July 5, 2007

Address search in several northern European countries

Now you can use Tagzania to search for postal addresses in Norway, Denmark, Finland and partially Russia (24 cities).

That's how we found this hotel in Denmark at Rytoften 3, 8210 Århus DK, or a couple of IBM facilities in Norway and Finland, at Strandsvingen 14A, Stavanger NO and Laajalahdentie 23, Helsinki FI. Remember the tip: put the two-letter country code after the address for better results.

As for Russia, addresses need to be entered in the Cyrillic script. We're afraid that if you search for 17 Nevsky Prospekt, Sankt-Petersburg, you won't find the beautiful Stroganov Palace that sits there. You have to search for Санкт-Петербург, Невский пр., 17

We've created a page in the documentation side of Tagzania listing the countries in which address search is available.

tagzania - Thu, 05 Jul 2007 10:33:43 -0400

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Minimap sidebar for Firefox

A friend of Tagzania, geo-hacker Tony Farndon has created an interesting tool, the Minimap Sidebar addon for Firefox.

This plugin for the Firefox browser  is compatible with Tagzania. See the following screenshot (full size here):

You drag an address from any given webpage to the lower grey area of the sidebar, and it gets stored locally on your browser: each of the addresses saved there generates a map, with added options; one of those, right-clicking the mouse, lets you save the place in Tagzania, see effect in the next screenshot. There are other goodies in the tool as well, and the official page explains it all.

Thank you Tony for this plugin, we've added it to our 3rd party tool list.

tagzania - Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:45:15 -0400

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Map ads, geo-advertising

We have partnered with a new innovative mapping service: Mappam, a geo-advertising platforn. Basically, Mappam places ads on maps. We at Tagzania, as providers of a mapping website, have decided to try the service and show their ads. Others may do the same as well. Advertisers may choose to buy or place ads in certain spots of the maps, and the same ads will show in all the sites of the Mappam affiliate network.

So, if you check Horley, a town in England near Gatwick Airport,
You'll a small little icon. It's an ad by Nestoria, a real estate search engine. Clicking on it will the ad. If you further click on the content, Nestoria will pay some cents. Part of it for Mappam, part for Tagzania (in this case).

The same spot, in another mapping site, OpenStreetMap: You will see the ad again. So, Nestoria bought ads to be placed in certain points, and they are shown in all sites of the Mappam network, in Tagzania as well as in OpenStreetMap

In other parts of the planet (and the maps of Tagzania), randomly placed ads of Mappam itself appear: they promote themselves, that's all. Look at one of those here, for instance, near a surfing beach in Spain.

So, the geo-advertising world has several elements: Mappam the broker, the affiliate mapping websites like Tagzania, advertisers buying placements for campaigns, and of course, you, the users. We don't want users to be alienated by excess of ads. There are ways in which the appearance of the ads can be regulated, to show only one in every view, for instance. We don't want map spam, of course. So, any concern or thinking about this, we'll thank that, and we're sure the Mappam people (small, new and innovative enterprise now) we'll also thank the feedback: they are not obviously for spam either, they just one to create a new geo-marketing platform, useful for advertisers, affiliate websites and map users. If you have any concern, enter into the conversation about Tagzania in our mailing list or contact Mappam.

Tagzania already shows ads. You have seen the textual advertisments served by Google in our pages. It's the well known system called AdSense. Those ads provide a stream of revenue that's OK for us, in order to maintain and improve the service of Tagzania. We want to introduce another complementary source now with Mappam, and not only because of the revenue, but to make a trial with a new model, geo-advertising.

tagzania - Tue, 03 Jul 2007 10:57:14 -0400

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Send tweets from Tagzania, location presence made easy

Today's Google Developer Day, and Tagzania's team is split between two of the locations of this global tech event, two of us in Madrid, two in Sillicon Valley... so, where's, for instance, team member Luistxo Fernandez, the Information minister of Tagzania, here or there? Well, check his Tagzania user page, there's a notice saying where he was last seen.

Now, we mark presence thru Tagzania, you can say at any location if you're there (just for a beginning, soon more presence-messaging options will surface). Check the Here tab in any Tagzania place. And, look well, there's an extra option, activate the Twitter thing if you want to synchronize your Tagzania location with a tweet towards Twitter, the leading presence app of the web so far.

A message will automatically be sent to Twitter. This one was sent from the Where 2.0 Conference venue , the Fairmont Hotel of San Jose:

There's the short message, the link to the map,  and some coordinates after the L: thing that will make it compatible Twittervision, that hypnotic mashup.

So, if you're in one of those Google Developer Day venues, a Caribbean beach, or anywhere, mark it, say I'm here, and simultanously tweet that. It will also work with the like/dislike messages of the Here tab, as well as with the new ones to be added in the future. At the same time, besides Twitter, we'd love to add other presence apps to that option, so you can use your favorite one.

tagzania - Thu, 31 May 2007 04:34:09 -0400

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Comment and review places

We've introduced some new options in Tagzania. First of all, now you can comment and review places. Below a given location and its description, there they are, the nearest points just until now, but look, there are a couple of new tabs in the interface.

It's easy to guess. The Comments tab lets you leave comments on any place in Tagzania. The Here tab is for a series of preset messages, right now you can say I'm Here, or say if you like or not some place.

Come and test it. Wanna comment the Eiffel Tower? Are you right now at this Conference site? Tell it at Tagzania.

tagzania - Tue, 29 May 2007 14:31:03 -0400

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ignite talk about Tagzania at the Where 2.0 Conference

Tagzania will be present next week at the Where 2.0 Conference in San Jose. Luistxo Fernandez, one of the guys behind this web effort, will also give an Ignite talk, a fast 5 minute pitch talk with 20 automated slides, during the Conference opening event on Monday, May 28 at 7:00pm. It's free to attend it, if you happen to be around downtown San Jose on Monday, confirm you're coming here.

Ignite talks are an attractive format first essayed in Seattle, but O'Reilly Media, organizer of Where 2.0, is exporting the idea elsewhere. It will be a pleasure to share the stage with other participants.

The Conference proper will be next Tuesday and Wednesday, and if you happen to meet Luistxo and coleague Gari Araolaza, featured here, come and say hi!

On Thursday, Tagzania's envoys will attend the Google Developer Day in San Jose and the Googleplex. And not only there, but also in Madrid (it's a global event) where Josu Azpillaga and Txus Sanchez, these two guys below, will show up at that venue.

Finally, Luistxo and Gari will also be at the WhereCamp event at the Yahoo Campus, on June 2 and 3.

tagzania - Wed, 23 May 2007 10:45:49 -0400

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Search for addresses in Brazil and some new European countries

You can now search for postal addresses in Brazil when posting thru Tagzania's interface (for registered users). That's how we found the US Consulate in Recife, searching for Rua Gonçalves Maia, 163, Recife, BR.

Some additional European countries also have now geocoding: Portugal, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. To test it, we searched for the addresses of some venerable geographical institutions in those countries, and that's how we found the Portuguese Geographical Institute at 107 Rua da Artilharia 1, 1099-052 Lisboa PT, the Institute of Social, Economic and Regional Geography, Poland at ul. Krakowskie Przedmiescie 30  00-921 Warszawa PL, the Geophysical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic at Bocní II, Praha 4, Hlavní mesto Praha 14100, CZ, and the Geographical Research Institute of Hungary, at H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45 HU.

Remember the tips for address searches, and just add the country codes BR (Brazil), PT (Portugal), PL (Poland), CZ (the Czech Republic) and HU (Hungary) for locations in these new countries with address search capability.

tagzania - Thu, 17 May 2007 04:26:01 -0400

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Partnering with Nestoria, the real estate search engine

Nestoria Spain launched yesterday marking the European continental debut of this real estate search engine, which has been british till this moment. Nestoria shows homes located on maps, but the maps themselves are richer than just that: in the UK, they show a variety of local information mapped, from pubs to taxes. In Spain, there are fewer layers of local info so far, but some of them are interesting, they're user generated and among them, there are Tagzania's points, the ones that our users add to their maps.

That's the screenshot of an area of Barcelona, Montjuïc,
and there they are, those POIs, taken from Tagzania's database using an API that we will document soon.

We invite our Spanish users to document your barrios. Those interesting pinpoints will now be visible not only in Tagzania but in Nestoria as well.

tagzania - Tue, 15 May 2007 06:37:06 -0400

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Monday, May 14, 2007

70,000 hotels added to Tagzania

An addition of a set of Points of Interest to Geonames, an open web service that Tagzania proudly uses, lets us now display 70,000 geocoded hotels worlwide that you may search through Tagzania's main search option:

The hotels available are mainly in the US and Europe, as this map by Geonames shows, but we hope that with time coverage will be better in other areas of the world.

tagzania - Mon, 14 May 2007 10:50:21 -0400

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Map showcases in Blogspot and Twitter

When Tagzania launched, our first blog was in Blogger/Blogspot, but then we moved here, to Tagzania's own domain using Bitakora blogware (a free blogging platform for Zope). However, we decided to keep that Blogspot, changing its conception... Finally it has evolved to become a gallery for embedded maps, Tagzania examples pasted into HTML.

At the same time, some weeks ago we added ourselves to Twitter, so we also do microblogging there. Short news about features, and examples with a URL to visit, that's all we're posting in Twitter for the moment, trying not to be too insistent.

You may follow that blog and our tweets to be informed about curious map examples. If you are in Twitter, feel free to add Tagzania as a friend.

tagzania - Wed, 09 May 2007 09:30:01 -0400

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Lines and points combined on maps

A little tweak over the capability to draw lines and routes that we created for Tagzania some weeks ago: now, both elements are shown in combination in users' pages and tags.

So, you can use a common kewyord for a certain map, tag both routes and points with that term, and a nice map is created that wat. For example, user Fiz is mapping some races, marathons mainly, over there, and he has added some interest points to one of those races, the Marathon of Prague, that will be held next sunday, on May 13th.

tagzania - Mon, 07 May 2007 03:49:22 -0400

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Streetplans for Taiwan, Thailand and several European countries

An update in the maps lets us display roadmaps and streetplans in several new countries: Thailand, Turkey, Lithuania, Estonia, Eslovenia,Croatia and Taiwan. The Chinese script used in Taiwan and the Thai alphabet look pretty nice on the maps.

Besides, Russia has had some enhancements in its roadmaps, but not much city plans available, Moscow had already streetplans, and now Sankt Petersburg joins.

See examples in:
If you live in one of those countries, check the streets around you.

tagzania - Sat, 28 Apr 2007 00:57:15 -0400

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Friday, April 27, 2007

Support Tagzania in Startup2

We've submitted Tagzania to a European Startup contest, where several Web 2.0 projects will compete for recognition. If you like Tagzania, and want to help us promoting a little bit this service that hosts your places and maps, give us a hand:

Register here and then vote for Tagzania.

You can browse the rest of the projects to decide if there are others worth receiving your vote, of course.

tagzania - Fri, 27 Apr 2007 07:14:59 -0400

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Photos around

There's a new option to open maps elsewhere now. Below Tagzania individual maps, you know, you have various mapping apps linked, where you can explore other views of the places saved in Tagzania.

Until now, for photos, there was a Flickr link showing picture geolocated around any location. Now look, besides the Flickr link, there's one to Panoramio. Opening those links from Tagzania, you can see a good bunch of photos of the surroundings of many places in the world.

A project by some Spanish web enthusiasts, Panoramio is much more directed towards location and geography than Flickr. As a matter of fact, it's a site to place photos on the map. It's very well integrated with Google Earth as well. Give it a try if your photos tend to be associated to location, and you want to host them in the web.

tagzania - Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:55:27 -0400

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Search for addresses in Belgium and Luxembourg

You can now search for postal addresses in Belgium and Luxembourg when posting thru Tagzania's interface (for registered users).

Belgium is a multilingual country, and address searches will work in various forms, like Guimardstraat 6-8, 1040 Brussel BE in Dutch or Rue Guimard 6-8, 1040 Bruxelles BE in French. Using both, you will land something near to the Australian Embassy and Mission to the EU, Belgium and Luxembourg. This other embassy in Luxembourg City, we found it searching for 22 Boulevard Emmanuel Servais, L-2535 Luxembourg LU.

Remember the tips for address searches, and just add the country codes BE, LU or NL after your Beneluxian addresses for nicer matches.

tagzania - Fri, 20 Apr 2007 06:32:23 -0400

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Messi or Maradona, the satellite view

Who scored the best goal in history? We're talking about football, that is, soccer. Leo (Leonel) Messi scored a super goal last tuesday playing with FC Barcelona against another Spanish team, Getafe, playing semifinals of the Spanish Cup Competition.

The feat mimicked a goal by Diego Armando Maradona 20 years ago, 2-0 against England in Mexico's World Cup of 1986. Many have held this goal to be the best in the history of football. That's open to discussion now, and you may judge by yourselves thanks to Internet, and the flash video players that abound on the web.

Both stadiums where those goals were scored, Nou Camp in Barcelona and Estadio Azteca in Mexico DF are quite visible in the satellite views, so we just drawed the routes both players actually run over the field to score those goals... This is Messi's race towards the goalkeeper and this is Maradona's.

In the standard view that opens, it's a pity, but the automatically calculated zoom level is too close, as the routes are quite tiny by earthly standards, but if you just zoom out one level, you'll see the green fields.

You may also open the KML link below the maps to see it in Google Earth. Of course, there was no need for this mashup to be created, a geographical representantion of the best goals ever, but sometimes it's fun to have a casual friday.

BTW, we've introduced a new way to add lines/routes to your Tagzania account. The option above the maps, that checkbox to "add an item on click", when used, will now prompt two options on the map, post a new item (for points) or post a new route.

Some tech difficulties don't let us yet use that option on route maps, but you may try with tags, user pages or  individual point locations.

tagzania - Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:18:08 -0400

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

New bookmarklet and options regarding Multimap

Multimap is a nice mapping application that made a leap forward yesterday: they introduced an API and evolved towards a new kind of online map: drag and move maps, aerial and roadmap combinations in imagery (very original for the hybrid view)...

We've updated a couple of features in Tagzania to welcome that move. Now, below individual maps, on the open maps options, there's a link to the new improved Multimap. Check your locations, and open the Multimap links to see how the look in the new site. Aerial coverage seems good for USA cities, but not in Europe, for the moment...

On the other hand, we've upgraded the Tagzai! Multimap bookmarklet. It's now v3, version 3, as there were two previous bookmarklets that served that website. This bookmarklet might be useful for searching addresses in several European countries. When using the address search included in Tagzania (post option for registered users), that will work in the following countries: the US (United States), CA (Canada), ES (Spain), FR (France), DE (Germany), IT (Italy), NL (Netherlands), SE (Sweden), AU (Australia), NZ (New Zealand), JP (Japan). You need to find some address in another place? Well, use Multimap if it happens to be in the UK, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Portugal, Norway and Finland. Once found, save the location in Tagzania with the Tagzai! Multimap v3 bookmarklet.

Check the bookmarklet section to get that.

tagzania - Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:10:25 -0400

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Scroll with your mouse wheel to zoom in and out in your Tagzania maps

After an update at the Google Maps API just announced in their blog, we introduced a feature in Tagzania: when you're looking at a Tagzania map, be it a roite (the next Berlin marathon) or some other (latest deadly tornados in the southeast US), also embedded maps in blogs and elsewhere, you can now zoom in and out, just scrolling with the wheel of your mouse.

(pic by Rodrigo Senna, nicely licensed)

On the other hand, we're glad to now that NeoBinaries chose Tagzania as the 2nd nicer mashup in their list of 5 picks. Congrats to PlanJam, the n.1 site of that list.

tagzania - Thu, 19 Apr 2007 03:27:57 -0400

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Thursday, April 5, 2007

GeoRSS for routes in Tagzania

Following the introduction of routes in Tagzania last week, we've added a feature today: GeoRSS. For any given route like this one, the Marathon of Madrid to be held in a couple of weeks, below the map there's the option to download a KML file to visualize that on Google Earth, and a GeoRSS link as well

GeoRSS is quite an interesting beast. It's not only a feed with latitude and longitude, its specs cover a broad variety of geographic information. A line or area can be specified in GeoRSS, and being an open standard, we believe it's a format to support. For routes, it's a GML flavor of GeoRSS which we have chosen. GML is the Geography Markup Language, an XML grammar written in XML Schema for the modelling, transport, and storage of geographic information... Standards are good, we believe in them.

Google Maps and its API recently integrated GeoRSS into its framework. That was good news for Tagzania. Now that you haver GeoRSS feeds for routes, you can put that into work with the Google Maps API. Look, here's the result at Google Maps when you pass the GeoRSS file of that marathon race to them.

Today, there's more news regarding Google's new My Maps option. It's an interesting move towards a wider adoption of the concept of personal geography... More people will see that creating your own maps is an interesting use for the web, and we'll continue building Tagzania, so we can offer you an easy way to share and document your personal geography.

tagzania - Thu, 05 Apr 2007 13:47:09 -0400

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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Documenting locations more precisely

Some enhancements in Tagzania now let you document locations more precisely.

First, descriptions for places let you now write much more text, up to 2000 characters from the previous 256 limit. Here's an example, the Victoria Falls.

If you introduce HTML in those descriptions, it would be cleansed. There's another way to mark web links in locations, and that's the resources field of every location. You introduce image or general URLs there, and they are attached to the location. Take in mind that these links are saved in a way that gives no pagerank or relevance for search engines and robots: learn more about resources here.

Precisely, another novelty comes with the presentation of those resources documenting the location. Look at the listing of locations here or there. The novelty is that when resources are present, first URL of your resource list, will appear in the listings, as this image shows:

For instance, the first link in this list of Venture Capital related blogs here,  corresponds to the offices of Vulcan in Seattle which is documented with 5
resources, 3 pictures and two web addresses. The item interface shows all resources (up to ten per point or route are allowed), but in overall listings, until now only one picture (the first of the images in the resource list) appeared; now the first of weblinks will appear.
So, if you have documented a place with web URLs, now they are more visible and accesible to users in general.

Finally, marking locations with a red little icon (for points) or a green one (for routes) is also helpful, we believe.

tagzania - Wed, 04 Apr 2007 07:30:01 -0400

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Draw lines and routes with Tagzania

New feature in Tagzania: Now you can draw routes. For example, this one.

Registered users, when you post from Tagzania's interface, you'll get the choice, point or route. To draw one, find an initial place, and proceed point by point from there. Tagzania also works as a pedometer and you will measure the length of the track until you finish (in kilometers or miles, depending of your system of units of choice). Once you draw the line, proceed as you do with common locations: put a title, description, add resources to document it and choose some tags or keywords for classification.

Routes appear as single points in overall maps, as here, but you see they have a new directional green pinpoint. Clicking on that, you get to the route. Two icons now, reds for points, directional greens for routes. We try keeping Tagzania simple.

Routes are downloadable as KML files to Google Earth, and they can be pasted or embeded in blogs as all other Tagzania maps. Integration with GPS tools will be next. Enjoy, and make some trials drawing some walks, travels, whatever... A line can mark lots of things, from small scales (the running of the bulls in Pamplona is shorter than a kilometer) to great lengths (the migration paths of the monarch butterfly of North America).

tagzania - Thu, 29 Mar 2007 15:34:30 -0400

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Search for addresses in Sweden

You can now search for postal addresses in Sweden when posting thru Tagzania's interface (for registered users). This was an undocumented feature of the Google Maps API that we found reading this post.

Try with Birger Jarlsgatan 57B SE Stockholm, Sweden or Cramérgatan 3, Visby, SE. Remember the tips for address searches, and just add the country code SE after the Swedish address for a nice match.

tagzania - Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:44:11 -0400

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Friday, March 23, 2007

GeoRSS in Tagzania: new opportunities for developers

Some technical news of interest: Google has announced that its Google Maps API, the framework that powers the maps that you create at Tagzania, now supports GeoRSS.

GeoRSS is RSS with geographic information inserted, obviously. And it's the RSS format that is offered by Tagzania since we launched in 2005. Tagzania is one of the most exhaustive places to get varied GeoRSS feeds in Internet. You may subscribe to any Tagzania user or tag page, adding the RSS feed in your newsreader of choice. You probably won't notice any latitude-longitude data there... But it's there, and it can be put into use.

With Google's official support, uses of GeoRSS may increase. In the blogpost mentioning it, look, there's even a Tagzania example in the part of Google, to illustrate how it integrates into maps: The new 7 wonders map, which has a RSS source as all other maps in Tagzania, has been mashed-up with other info layers in that Google example there.

That's interesting. Developers can, very easily, with just some lines of code, integrate any Tagzania RSS feed in other map mashups. That's good for developers, and good for Tagzania. This is about sharing geographic content and information, and as Tagzania's information is open content, its Creative Commons ShareAlike license lets you reuse the information of this site elsewhere, for commercial purporses as well, as long as it doesn't become copyrighted material.

Developers can also create GeoRSS based map mashups colaboratively. For instance, a community map integrated into a local website. How do you get people in the community to encode a RSS entry with data formated as GeoRSS? Don't instruct them about XML standards or the semantic web... Just tell them: add your place in Tagzania, tag it with some keyword, that's all. The developer just needs to adjust the map to the given Tagzania RSS feed for that tag or kewyord, and it's done.

If you're a website developer, plan to create mashups on your own, contact with us and give us feedback, we'll be glad to hear about you.

tagzania - Fri, 23 Mar 2007 07:05:42 -0400

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Now you can move a given placemark in Tagzania.

Try copying someone's else location, or editing one of yours. It's easy.

tagzania - Tue, 13 Mar 2007 12:45:14 -0400

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Friday, March 2, 2007

Nicer coverage for Denmark, Switzerland and elsewhere

Tagzania benefited yesterday from a new update in Google Maps imagery that covers many world regions. Several areas in Sydney have now incredible detail. We see people surfing the waves! Some more interesting spots here.

Hi resolution in Sydneyhi resolution in switzerland

Two European countries get overall detailed coverage: Denmark and Switzerland. For Danish spots, here you have an example, the Kastrup bath platform, illustrative of the latest architectural trends, according to the experts. In Switzerland, color brightness is astonishing but go to the Alps for an awesome experience: the Swiss data that Google got has altitude detail for Google Earth and seeing that in 3D is wonderful. For instance go to north face of mt. Eiger and click on the KML link that will open Google Earth. Good flight!

tagzania - Fri, 02 Mar 2007 07:11:41 -0500

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Thursday, March 1, 2007

International Polar Year: one planet, one map

The International Polar Year began today, March 1st. Webmasters at, the official site, thought about Tagzania as a way to raise awareness. They made a call to all schools and educational institutions interested in the Polar Year to launch a virtual ballon; that is, to mark in Tagzania the location of their polar-related activity. The new embedable maps with up to 200 locations came just in time to show the big map that has resulted.

Climate change is a worrisome reality, and polar regions are among the most affected by it. Geographic awareness and education are key factors for the social changes that will be needed to stop the trend. >From Kuglugtuk High School in Nunavut, Canada, to the headquarters of the US Geological Service, we all share one planet, and, for today, one map as well.

tagzania - Thu, 01 Mar 2007 15:56:56 -0500

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Show up to 200 locations on one map

It's been a repeated petition by many of you, users of Tagzania: Please, let us show more than 25 places on a map... Well, first step towards that goal: Maps embedded elsewhere can show now up to 200 markers, each with its own information bubble

You know there's a page where you can get code to paste or embed a given map in your blog or website. This user's page, for instance, and you have the option to get the code here. Now, have a look there, the controls that you can set to give your map a certain look, have a new addition: choose the number of items. The default is as it is today: 25 items. But you can switch to show 100 or 200 points.

This will work with maps based in tags, shared maps as the general Tokyo map, for instance. Or a tag for just one user, also with tag combinations. Maps pasted until now, they will show 25 items maximum as until now. But if you get the new code, you can show more...

Showing 200 points won't represent any load on our servers, but it may slow some browsers, particularly Internet Explorer. Some old browsers may get blocked or semi-blocked when several maps showing 200 points each are seen one after another...

You can check it by yourself. See maps were 100 or 200 hotels are shown in this example pages; this one shows 100 hotels, and this 200. See screenshot to see how you should see that one:

tagzania - Wed, 28 Feb 2007 11:53:19 -0500

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

How Do You Sleep?

Scientists believe the position in which a person goes to sleep provides an important clue about the kind of person they are. Professor Chris Idzikowski, director of the UK Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service analyzed six common sleeping positions - and found that each is linked to a particular personality type. Apparently I'm a "soldier".

Christopher Tue, 27 Feb 2007 17:20:42 +0000

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Using the dark arts of JavaScript and Flash, swfIR gives you the ability to apply an assortment of visual effects to any or all images on your website.

Christopher Tue, 27 Feb 2007 17:25:49 +0000

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Tagzania in Galician

Tagzania's interface is now in another language, Galician. This language is very close to Portuguese, learn more about Galician in the Wikipedia. A blogger and user of Tagzania, Makeijan, has provided the translation. In his blog announcement, he says the translation is open to review, and so, anyone wishing to correct or add something can contact him. This man is an active part of the web scene in his language community: he just submitted the news to the Galician Digg clone (Chuza!), so you can push it there as well. Thank you very much, Makeijan.

To switch the interface to a given language, visit the settings page. You can also choose the system of measures there, metric or anglo-american. If you haven't chosen a given language in Tagzania never (first time visitors, for instance), you will see Tagzania in the first language preference of your browser, given that it is among the 13 languages available so far.

tagzania - Mon, 26 Feb 2007 10:28:12 -0500

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Virb Invites

I have 15 invites for Virb. Virb is a new "social" site similar to Myspace that combines music, blogging, and photos. comes from Unborn Media, the same talented folks that brought you PureVolume. Anyone that is interested in playing around on the site can just leave me a lil comment with a valid email address and I'll send one your way.

Christopher Mon, 19 Feb 2007 01:53:12 +0000

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Searching in Japan

Japan is among the countries in which the new address geocoding system of Tagzania works (explained here). Initially, the geocoding feature for Japan only works with addresses written in Kanji.

You may find 〒110-8718 東京都台東区上野公園 7-20 but not 7-20 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8718 . The Google Maps API is not prepared for these Latin addresses.

However, the ajaxian posting interface of Tagzania also performs searches through Geonames, and with general Japanese placenames thus works both in Kanji or Rōmaji, the latin transliteration of Japanese. You may search for Tokorozawa or所沢市, Narita International Airport as well as 成田国際空港, and you get results both ways.

tagzania - Wed, 14 Feb 2007 07:00:09 -0500

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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Caveman’s Crib

The Geico cavemen have their own little internet crib. Make sure you visit the kitchen, and check out the cookbook for a great roast duck with mango salsa recipe.

Christopher Wed, 07 Feb 2007 23:09:42 +0000

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Monday, February 5, 2007

Super Bore

Super Bowl XLI was probably the most boring Super Bowl in recent memory. I didn't even enjoy any of the commercials. It very well could have been because I don't care for either team or every time I try to watch Rex Grossman play I feel there should be Benny Hill music playing in the background. Next year Grossman should be out of football and starring in his own Kevin Federline-like fry cook commercial. Prince's halftime performance was the only highlight for me.

Christopher Mon, 05 Feb 2007 18:59:44 +0000

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Cat In A Microwave. A True Story.

Cat In A Microwave. A True Story.

You might not be ready to see this.

Ranked 3.12 / 5 | 1,711 views | 9 comments

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Submitted By: Crow_casla
Tags: cat a microwave stop animal cruelty do not attempt this home made stunt images impressive cook parod (Crow_casla) Wed, 31 Jan 2007 20:00:44 +0000

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Hamstring Stretch By

Hamstring Stretch By

Excellent stretch for runners with tight sore legs. Good for balancing out the groin stretch.

Ranked 3.03 / 5 | 937 views | No comments

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Tags: Stretching Stretch Stretchygirl Massage Therapist Therapy Technique Therapeutic Hamstring ( Thu, 01 Feb 2007 03:20:40 +0000

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Amazing Cirque Video

Amazing Cirque Video

how could she do that?!!!:|

Ranked 3.26 / 5 | 460 views | No comments

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Submitted By: T0MER
Tags: circus gymnastic felxible artist acrobat sports (T0MER) Thu, 01 Feb 2007 02:20:34 +0000

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