Thursday, March 29, 2007

Draw lines and routes with Tagzania

New feature in Tagzania: Now you can draw routes. For example, this one.

Registered users, when you post from Tagzania's interface, you'll get the choice, point or route. To draw one, find an initial place, and proceed point by point from there. Tagzania also works as a pedometer and you will measure the length of the track until you finish (in kilometers or miles, depending of your system of units of choice). Once you draw the line, proceed as you do with common locations: put a title, description, add resources to document it and choose some tags or keywords for classification.

Routes appear as single points in overall maps, as here, but you see they have a new directional green pinpoint. Clicking on that, you get to the route. Two icons now, reds for points, directional greens for routes. We try keeping Tagzania simple.

Routes are downloadable as KML files to Google Earth, and they can be pasted or embeded in blogs as all other Tagzania maps. Integration with GPS tools will be next. Enjoy, and make some trials drawing some walks, travels, whatever... A line can mark lots of things, from small scales (the running of the bulls in Pamplona is shorter than a kilometer) to great lengths (the migration paths of the monarch butterfly of North America).

tagzania - Thu, 29 Mar 2007 15:34:30 -0400

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