Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Minimap sidebar for Firefox

A friend of Tagzania, geo-hacker Tony Farndon has created an interesting tool, the Minimap Sidebar addon for Firefox.

This plugin for the Firefox browser  is compatible with Tagzania. See the following screenshot (full size here):

You drag an address from any given webpage to the lower grey area of the sidebar, and it gets stored locally on your browser: each of the addresses saved there generates a map, with added options; one of those, right-clicking the mouse, lets you save the place in Tagzania, see effect in the next screenshot. There are other goodies in the tool as well, and the official page explains it all.

Thank you Tony for this plugin, we've added it to our 3rd party tool list.

tagzania - Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:45:15 -0400

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