Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Map ads, geo-advertising

We have partnered with a new innovative mapping service: Mappam, a geo-advertising platforn. Basically, Mappam places ads on maps. We at Tagzania, as providers of a mapping website, have decided to try the service and show their ads. Others may do the same as well. Advertisers may choose to buy or place ads in certain spots of the maps, and the same ads will show in all the sites of the Mappam affiliate network.

So, if you check Horley, a town in England near Gatwick Airport,
You'll a small little icon. It's an ad by Nestoria, a real estate search engine. Clicking on it will the ad. If you further click on the content, Nestoria will pay some cents. Part of it for Mappam, part for Tagzania (in this case).

The same spot, in another mapping site, OpenStreetMap: You will see the ad again. So, Nestoria bought ads to be placed in certain points, and they are shown in all sites of the Mappam network, in Tagzania as well as in OpenStreetMap

In other parts of the planet (and the maps of Tagzania), randomly placed ads of Mappam itself appear: they promote themselves, that's all. Look at one of those here, for instance, near a surfing beach in Spain.

So, the geo-advertising world has several elements: Mappam the broker, the affiliate mapping websites like Tagzania, advertisers buying placements for campaigns, and of course, you, the users. We don't want users to be alienated by excess of ads. There are ways in which the appearance of the ads can be regulated, to show only one in every view, for instance. We don't want map spam, of course. So, any concern or thinking about this, we'll thank that, and we're sure the Mappam people (small, new and innovative enterprise now) we'll also thank the feedback: they are not obviously for spam either, they just one to create a new geo-marketing platform, useful for advertisers, affiliate websites and map users. If you have any concern, enter into the conversation about Tagzania in our mailing list or contact Mappam.

Tagzania already shows ads. You have seen the textual advertisments served by Google in our pages. It's the well known system called AdSense. Those ads provide a stream of revenue that's OK for us, in order to maintain and improve the service of Tagzania. We want to introduce another complementary source now with Mappam, and not only because of the revenue, but to make a trial with a new model, geo-advertising.

tagzania - Tue, 03 Jul 2007 10:57:14 -0400

Source: http://www.tagzania.com/blog/news/map-ads-geo-advertising
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