Monday, February 26, 2007

Tagzania in Galician

Tagzania's interface is now in another language, Galician. This language is very close to Portuguese, learn more about Galician in the Wikipedia. A blogger and user of Tagzania, Makeijan, has provided the translation. In his blog announcement, he says the translation is open to review, and so, anyone wishing to correct or add something can contact him. This man is an active part of the web scene in his language community: he just submitted the news to the Galician Digg clone (Chuza!), so you can push it there as well. Thank you very much, Makeijan.

To switch the interface to a given language, visit the settings page. You can also choose the system of measures there, metric or anglo-american. If you haven't chosen a given language in Tagzania never (first time visitors, for instance), you will see Tagzania in the first language preference of your browser, given that it is among the 13 languages available so far.

tagzania - Mon, 26 Feb 2007 10:28:12 -0500

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