Tuesday, January 30, 2007



nikefootball.com, THE CHOSEN FEW : A Kuwaiti freestyler, Ansarinho knows a thing or two about heat and he'd like to teach you a lesson. Do you feel the burn? THIS IS HIS link:: http://nikefootball.nike.com/nikefootball/siteshell/assets/showdown/show_clip_cf.jsp?language=10&move_id=167&leagueNum=5

Ranked 3.32 / 5 | 969 views | 1 comment

Click here to watch the video
Submitted By: Ansarinho 3
Tags: football freestyle soccer sports tricks skills 

rss@metacafe.com (Ansarinho 3) Tue, 30 Jan 2007 22:10:59 +0000

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